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Empowering and supporting the aged within a quality organisation.

Welcome to Cobram Regional Care

Cobram Regional Care (formerly known as Ottrey Homes) is a stand-alone, not for profit organisation that has been providing professional, quality aged care services to the local community for over 30 years.

We provide optimal choice for people of all ages, irrespective of financial, religious, cultural or lifestyle background. We believe in responding to the changing needs of the community and actively encourage and support continuous improvement, innovation and safe service delivery.

Over the years, local service groups, associations, businesses and individuals have contributed greatly to the establishment of the Independent living Units and the Residential Aged Care Service.

Our new name and brand have been developed to reflect our current and future service provision and to ensure the organisation’s longevity into the future. The change reflects our desire to continue forging strong relationships within the community and continue our reputation as a provider of high quality, inclusive care.

Cobram Regional Care is owned and operated by the Members of the Association who elect a voluntary Committee of Management, who are responsible for the policy direction of the organisation.

In 2019 we opened a newly built administrative centre to facilitate our increased staffing and administrative needs, including our expansion into the Home Care domain.

In December 2020 we completed a major capital development project resulting significant refurbishment to existing rooms and communal spaces. The project also including the new build of an additional 32 bed rooms with ensuite. The newly built areas consist of our ‘High Care’ wing Murray River House (22 beds) and Memory Support Unit ‘Orchard House’ which comprises 21 beds for residents living with dementia. With the assistance of funds from both the Rotary Club of Cobram and the Commonwealth Department of Health,  we are also currently in the process of refurbishing all older bedrooms.

If your goal is to continue living safely and independently at home please contact us to discuss our wide range of services. If you require residential care, prospective residents and their families are encouraged to phone our CEO/Director of Nursing Tracey Gemmill to make an appointment for a tour and a discussion.